Mon livre surprise

Un cow-boy perdu dans les Highlands

Karen Ranney

Un cow-boy perdu dans les Highlands
384 pages
Popularité du livre : faible
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Propriétaire d’un ranch au Texas, Connor McCraight ne s’attendait pas à devenir le nouveau duc de Lothian. Mais, noblesse oblige, le voilà qui débarque dans cette Écosse glaciale balayée par le blizzard. Son projet ? Vendre au plus vite le domaine et retourner en Amérique.

À Bealadair, les mœurs locales ont de quoi dérouter un cow-boy, et les habitants sont aussi accueillants que le climat. Il existe toutefois une eÎption : Elsbeth, la pupille du défunt duc, que les McCraight considèrent comme une domestique. Que faire ? Car la beauté brune de la jeune femme a tôt fait d’enflammer Connor et de retarder ses projets…

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New York Times bestselling author Karen Ranney’s third book in her Duke series spins the tale of a reluctant duke who must choose between his life in America—and the Scottish woman he’s destined to love…

As the ward to the late Duke of Lothian, Elsbeth Carew resides at the ancestral estate of Bealadair. Fiercely attached to the manor, she loves it more than anyone else. When Connor McCraight—the new Duke of Lothian—arrives, Elsbeth does not quite know what to make of the American who has inherited the title but has never even set foot on Scottish soil. The tall, ruggedly handsome Texan sweeps through Bealadair with an air of authority Elsbeth has never encountered.

Connor has no intention of making Scotland his home and hopes to sell the estate as soon as possible. But his plan is jeopardized when he meets Elsbeth. A sweet, gray-eyed beauty, she tempts him in ways no other woman has. As word spreads of Connor’s intention to sell Bealadair, his life is threatened—and the only woman who can save him may be the one he has hopelessly lost his heart to.

Livres de l'auteur : Karen Ranney